Hi, welcome to here!

My name is Wen Ruiyang, but most of my international friends call me “Veryoung” due to the pronunciation.

My Italian friends tend to call me “Giovanni,” which means “young” in Italian.

Interestingly, the last word of my name “Yang” sounds like “sheep” in Chinese, which inspired the logo for this website — a sheep (me) resting peacefully in its nest.

Thanks for visiting, the website is still under construction, so I hope you’ll visit again in the future.


2024.01 - 2025.06 National University of Singapore, Singapore

Master of Science in Robotics

2019.10 - 2023.03 Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Bachelor of Science in Architectural Design


2024.08 - current YJ Lab, NUS, Singapore

Biodegradable and edible soft robot, mentor: Prof. Tan Yu Jun

2024.02 - 2024.11 Soft Robotics Lab, NUS, Singapore

Electronics-Free soft robot, mentor: Prof. Cecilia Laschi


2022.07 - 2022.08 Francesca Oliveri Architect, Milan, Italy

Architect Intern

2021.01 - 2021.07 PC&P, Shenzhen, China

Architect Intern


1. Longxin Kan, Ruiqi Ma, Zhihang Qin, Ruiyang Wen, Cecilia Laschi*.

(Title is confidential currently, related to electronics-free robot.) Status: Submitted to Science (Under Review)

2. Zhihang Qin, Yidi Zheng, Ruiyang Wen, Guanzhong Tay, Longxin Kan, Yujun Tan, Cecilia Laschi*.

(Title is confidential currently, related to biodegradable soft robot.) Status: Submitted to an IEEE conference (Accepted)

“How old are you, Fransis?"

“I’m 20, sir.”

“Awfully young to be giving up on your dreams, aren’t you?”

The greatest game ever played

I really like my nick name, “Veryoung,” and it reminds me of a movie, The Greatest Game Ever Played.

I hope we can always keep a youthful heart, remain curious about everything, and continue exploring the world with wonder.